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The Frustrations and Rewards of Selling Your Home by Owner

Updated: Jun 13

Selling your home without the help of a real estate agent, For Sale By Owner (FSBO), can be a daunting task. You'll face a myriad of frustrations, from constant inquiries to dealing with unqualified buyers. However, with patience and perseverance, you can successfully sell your home and save a significant amount of money. This article aims to provide encouragement and practical advice to help you navigate the FSBO process.

Common Frustrations in FSBO

Constant Inquiries from Real Estate Agents and Wholesalers:

As soon as you list your property, expect a barrage of calls and emails from real estate agents eager to list your home and wholesalers looking to make a quick deal.

Tip: Politely but firmly state that you are not interested in their services and are confident in your ability to sell your home on your own.

Investors Offering Creative Financing Deals:

Investors may approach you with offers that involve unconventional financing methods.

Tip: Unless you fully understand and are comfortable with these offers, it’s best to stick to traditional financing.

Unqualified Buyers:

Many interested buyers may not be pre-approved for a mortgage, leading to wasted time and effort.

Tip: Always request a pre-approval letter from potential buyers before scheduling a showing. This will help ensure that you are dealing with serious buyers only.


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Why It’s Worth It

Despite these challenges, selling your home on your own can be worth the time and effort. Here’s why:

Significant Savings on Commission:

A typical real estate commission is around 6% of the sale price. On a $300,000 home, this amounts to $18,000.

Think about your own income and how much time you spend earning it. Is saving $18,000 worth several weeks or even a couple of months of your time? For many, this is a compelling reason to go the FSBO route.

Real estate agents spend a lot of time with unqualified buyers and handling various tasks, but when they make a sale, they earn a substantial commission. By taking on this role yourself, you could keep that money in your pocket.

Direct Control Over the Sale Process:

As an FSBO seller, you have complete control over the pricing, marketing, and negotiation process.

This direct involvement can lead to a more satisfying and transparent transaction.

Flexibility and Convenience:

You can schedule showings at your convenience and directly address any questions or concerns potential buyers may have.

This personal touch can often lead to a quicker and more amicable sale.

Encouragement for the Journey

While selling your home by owner can be challenging, remember that you are not alone. Many homeowners have successfully navigated the FSBO process and sold their homes at a good price.

Here are some encouraging thoughts to keep in mind:

Perseverance Pays Off:

It may take a few months and a lot of patience, but with diligence, you will find a qualified buyer. The key is to stay persistent and not get discouraged by initial setbacks.

Learning and Growth:

The FSBO process will teach you a lot about the real estate market, negotiations, and even legal aspects of selling a home.

This knowledge can be incredibly valuable for future real estate transactions.

Financial Reward:

The money you save on commission can be substantial. Think about how you can use those savings to benefit your financial situation, whether it’s investing in your next home or adding to your savings.

Ask yourself: is spending a few weeks to a couple of months selling your home worth saving $18,000? For most people, the answer is yes. That’s a significant amount of money that can be better spent on your next property or saved for future needs.

Selling your home by owner comes with its fair share of frustrations, but the rewards can be significant. By dealing with the same challenges that real estate agents face, you not only save money but also gain valuable experience and control over the sale process. Stay focused, be patient, and remember that every inquiry and showing brings you one step closer to selling your home. With determination and perseverance, you can successfully navigate the FSBO process and achieve your goal.

Related Video

For Sale By Owner Realities: Would You Pay Yourself A Salary of $18,000 For 3 Months of Work?

Pre-Approval Letters: A Guide for FSBO Sellers

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My Home, My Sale Basic Service Package:

* Marketing Support:

We will create a marketing plan and provide the following marketing services to help you sell your home:
Listing on popular real estate websites
Social media promotion
Creation of marketing materials (flyers, brochures, etc.)


* Referrals to Service Providers:

We will refer you to trusted service providers who can help you with the home selling process, including:
Title and Escrow Company
Real estate attorneys
Home inspectors
Contractors and repair services
Moving companies


* Direct Buyer Contact:

We will help potential buyers find your listing, and all inquiries and communication will be directed to you, the homeowner, to facilitate direct buyer contact.


* Email Support:

We will be available to answer your questions and provide email support throughout the home selling process.


* Pricing:
Our basic service package, "My Home, My Sale," is priced at $499, which includes all of the services listed above. We offer a money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied with our services within the first 30 days.
Please note that our services do not include negotiations or representation during the home selling process.
We can customize our service package based on your specific needs, and we also offer additional services at an additional cost. Please contact us for more information.
Thank you for considering "My Home, My Sale" FSBO marketing and support service!

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